Recently, my explorations of the Library of Loures have revealed something that I feel must be shared with all Aislings. In Deoch 30, the Loures mundanes in charge of the library asked me to help them in the restoration of some ancient volumes of Aosdic origin. Since Blaise made the discovery of the texts describing the Conix and the ritual of gathering, the library mundanes have bravely been digging through the ancient shelves and tables of the Library of Loures, bringing forth many dusty books with strange, arcane inscriptions and gilded text.

Due to my familiarity with Aosdic, the mundanes requested that I help them translate one of the older tomes. In the process of translating the text, I made an incredible discovery: a ritual related to our current concept of the Octave as so eloquently described by Damiel in his small treatise on the subject. This text was particularly difficult to translate, as it is in a curious lower Aosdic spoken by the fragmented earlier peoples of Temuair. It is a somewhat more forceful Aosdic as opposed to the high, gliding Aosdic of the Tuatha. Regardless, I have managed to translate some of the more important (and I believe) beautiful passages from the text.

The book, an Aosdic tome of religious practices called the Oardagh a' Danaan, describes a complex ritual praising and invoking Danaan, the "Niauagh Cruithear" - the Heavenly Creator.

The Oardagh describes this as:

Tionall comhla ochd sagarte daigeil a fondalys,
bealtuinn rosge.. neuchadjin ailleas a aite ca Danaan
inida tragh a leara..

Gather together eight priests of firm character,
bright eyes, and exceptional dedication, in the place
where Danaan's tides ebb and flow.

I believe this to mean either Lynith Beach or at the sites near Abel, Loures and Rucesion where the ocean is not far from gentle Aisling eyes. It seems that the original ritual was held in Undine, but it would seem that Loures might take a dim view of ritual practice there, especially a ritual with such an arcane and hallowed past.

The ritual always begins with Deoch, the originator of the Aisling spark: inspiration is the beginning of the path. The ritual praises his name, for it is his flame which burns and shines in your eyes.

The mass consists of nine participants: eight priests, known as the "diadileas" and an Ain Faodhail, a "Channel of Light". The Ain Faodhail is described in the Oardagh as

bailceach a saoiea a tiore, measail ea comunn,
iriosal a an dia aithne a diorachda a aithne
siogachae a diabrionnach am tug a beatha...

a man, scholarly in pursuits, respected by his peers,
humbled by the gnostic fact that his abilities and knowledge
pale to that of the Goddess which gave him life.

The Oardagh also speaks of the quality of the diadileas involved in the ritual:

cuir a fondalys ro vollagh am aon piug a ochdcaimir conair...
meailtainn aimainm..a casherickit am beatham a am finna.

exuding the character, fully, of one note in the octave,
having lived in its name, and dedicated their lives to its purpose.

Our own octagram is described in this ritual as "Danaan's sigil":

Begin with inspiration in the north. Proceed in a diagonal line through each fold of the path, from Inspiration to Release, until Danaan's sigil appears, brilliant with the efforts of the diadileas, channeled and harnessed by the Ain Faodhail. Each step is part of the journey that Danaan blesses us with, the cycle of life eternal, the knowledge that we are born, and that we will someday die."

The Ain Faodhail should be clothed in robes of silk, with the sigils of Danaan draped on their shoulders. The diadileas in robes of color according to their orientation, fleeting or earthbound in their dedication. Red and blue robes of the finest quality, yet simple, with no decoration or adorned sigil whatsoever."

The phrase "fleeting or earthbound" reminds me of the "chaos and order" of the gods when I was translating the scrolls of Shamshiel in my treatise "Aosdic Mystic Theory". "fleeting" vs "earthbound" is an interesting division - It would seem to be rather true, as Deoch, Glioca, Ceannlaidir and Fiosachd are certainly fleeting: Inspiration, Love, Courage and Fortune can all be stolen away in a second. However, the "earthbound", Gramail, Cail, Luathas and Sgrios, represent that which is permanent and everlasting: Wisdom, Peace, Enlightenment, and of course, Release (death). The colors are interesting, and remind me of the gods themselves: the blue, representing tranquility and harmony - the red, representing the fire of inspiration, the flame of the heart.

The Oardagh also speaks of what is required at each point in the octogram:

Each child of Danaan finds representation in an earthly manifest. The devoted will know what the manifestation is...and only a fool would dare to desecrate the circle with the wrong manifestation.

Luckily, in the margin, I discovered the correct formulae for this ritual, and reapplied those formulae to our times (some of the materials in the original ritual I have either never heard of, or are not available in our times). I shudder to consider the consequences of performing it incorrectly. The Oardagh goes further in describing the consequences:

The entire area, with the power of the Ain and the diadileas, is heady with magic. The slightest disruption can unbalance the entire invocation, and result in terrible destruction...and perhaps darker things.

Bearing that in mind, the ritual begins thus, with the Ain Faodhail walking in the path of the octogram, his steps beginning with Deoch in the north, proceeding in straight lines to an allied god until the last point in the octave is constructed.

Our octave, the octave of life, The Octave of Danaan, proceeds as follows:

Deoch, Glioca, Cail, Luathas, Gramail, Fiosachd, Ceannlaidir, Sgrios.
Inspiration, Compassion, Peace, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Fortune, Courage, Release.

The Ain Faodhail speaks first at each point. The priest or priestess approaches, lies the favored manifestation on the point, and speaks in turn. The diadileas remain on each point as the Ain progresses through the octogram.

At each point in the octagram, thus:

Deoch (wine, liquor)

Ain: We praise Deoch, the fire of inspiration.
Diadileas: In his name, our spark is invoked, and given life.

Glioca (beothaich deum)

Ain: We praise Glioca, the light of infinite mercy and compassion.
Diadileas: In her name, we are restored. We are made whole again.

Cail (dobok)

Ain: We praise Cail, the father of all monks, the unifier.
Diadileas: In his name, we learn of the value of balance, and the gifts of Nature.

Luathas (arcane scroll)

Ain: We praise Luathas, the teacher.
Diadileas: In his name, we find gnosis, and the wisdom of the ancients.

Gramail (bronze shield)

Ain: We praise Gramail, the bearer of the shield.
Diadileas: In his name, we learn of justice and the order of law.

Fiosachd (one gold coin)

Ain: We praise Fiosachd, the gambler.
Diadileas: In his name, we discover the fleeting nature of life and fortune.

Ceannlaidir (a sword)

Ain: We praise Ceannlaidir, the sword bearer.
Diadileas: In his name, we celebrate action, and the delights of life.

Sgrios (bones)

Ain: We praise Sgrios, the silver reaper.
Diadileas: In his name, the cycle of life is completed, our thread released.

Upon the construction of the sigil, which should now be shining bright with the efforts of all involved, the Faiodhail steps into the center. Raising his hands to the sky, he speaks alone, in communion with the Goddess herself on a level unknown since the ancient days of Aosda...

Deoch, grant us inspiration!
Glioca, grant us compassion!
Cail, grant us peace!
Luathas, grant us enlightenment!
Gramail, grant us wisdom!
Fiosachd, grant us fortune!
Ceannlaidir, grant us courage!
Sgrios, grant us release!

We give praise to you, Danaan, the Heavenly Light!
We give praise to you, O glorious and exalted creator!
Bring forth the instrument of your glory!
We are humble before your brilliance, Sapphire Woman!
Bring forth the Avatar of Light, and all praise be unto you...
Come forth, Danaan Sagriothanar!


That, dear reader, is all I have managed to extract from the Oardagh as of yet.

I must warn the intrepid in advance: The outcome, or "Danaan's instrument", as the Oardagh speaks of it, depends on the faith and worthiness of all involved. The Oardagh speaks of terrible consequences if all involved are not of the upmost standing and stature. With this in mind, be careful what you bring up from the Aosdic depths - even Danaan's light may, in fact, cast a shadow.

Kedian Tassadar Ta'Null
Deoch 33, Spring

Dedicated to Damiel, from whom I am still learning.