Kedian: Please, go ahead. Merisa: does one be open to the idea of being inspired by others, over many Deochs? I am new, so I do not have this problem *laughs*, but I imagine it could be easy to feel... entitled, that one's Spark, Flame is brighter and greater than others. I recall you mentioning it to me, that this was the mistake of some of the Atavisim Aislings. *frowns and ponders* Kedian: It's a very good question. As I mentioned, we live in a much different age. Even showing that spark, now, I would argue, counts as a mildly revolutionary act. And in truth, I do not suggest that we return to the old ways - we all, collectively, learned that you cannot whip people into being inspired. In fact, unsurprisingly, it has the opposite effect. So what I would really say is that we must learn to express Deoch's gift; but we need to do so with great compassion and humility. Lastly, should anyone tell you that their spark is greater than anyone else's, let them come to me, who has known most Aislings in existence, and we shall see the true measure of their claim. *grins* Marutu wishes to speak. Merisa: *laughs* Thank you. *curtsies* Marutu: The trouble with that whip, is that it has no power, if it hasn't complete power. Kedian: Yes, very true. Even in the environment where Atavism had the most power; it still could not force someone to feel. Only significantly darker and more esoteric powers can do that. However. I submit that the whip is useless. What I ask for instead is for individuals to decide, each for themselves: what is joyous? To me, this, right now, is joyous, and so I am engaged in it. Hopefully, listening, is joyous as well, and so you do it. Each of us is hopefully enriched by that dialogue. To me, that is more important than any rules or regulations about how or when we may feel or speak or be. Marutu: That is interesting, one aisling may destroy to create, and others may see that only as destruction. Kedian: Destruction is a self-limiting characteristic. That is to say: fire is not sustainable. Even raging, massive, destructive fires come to an end, lacking energy and fuel. Thus, the cycle of rebirth continues. I submit that for much of our age, we have attempted destruction on significant scale, without much to show for it. Thus I suggest we plant seeds instead, in the hopes of feedng ourselves and others. Marutu: What then do the seeds feed upon in the dirt? Kedian: We must water them. It is our inspiration itself that does so. Merisa: I submit that... the seeds feed upon previous plants too. I have been the beneficiary of countless amazing works, that have inspired me so. Kedian: The flame creates in us a miraculous process, that allows us such power of creation. Exercising this power enables and empowers others to do the same - as Merisa just said. Just so. My own works draw upon a lifetime of experience and another lifetime of discussion with fellow Aislings. No one stands alone, except in darkness... shall we continue? Marutu: Yes, please. Kedian: Viveena has a question. The we will continue. *grins* Viveena: What do you think are the main challenges in this current era of Aislings to be able to find their enjoyment or be inspire by other Aislings? Kedian: Consider the star above, so distant. What purpose does it serve to any other star? We see it, and wonder. But the star itself is in a vast and engulfing darkness. I say that the primary challenge of our age, is actually twofold. One, I've spoken about before, is boredom. Two, is a lack of support. As I said a solitary star in the darkness is not of any particular use. So realistically we must ask ourselves, how can we support ANY efforts. And really I think that comes down to two things: showing up, and speaking. I notice this is particular every time I walk through and across these lands. I go to places where I see no one, places that used to be crowded. The places where I do see people.... I do not hear anything. All of us wait for.... something. We wait for something enjoyable, something fun, something- Viveena: Isn't that more so related to population? In regards to some areas being empty. Kedian: Well, yes. But in truth I find the populated areas often just as empty. Why do we exist, if only to stand in lines saying very little? Marutu: Partly, I think that inspiration is contageous, we sit idly so... and before, people used to create and something out of nothing. Kedian: To that end. I have thought about how I might impact this myself. As I mention, all change must begin with a singular decision. I have decided I will simply go to the Loures Soccer Field, what must be the most uninspired place in all of Temuair, and ust stand there. I'll tell other people when I will be there. If no one comes, I'll amuse myself. If no one comes, I'll amuse myself. If even one person comes, it is a success. That is how you must begin. One step at a time. Now, where was I. *shuffles notes* OK. As I've said, boredom is a plague. And we are no doubt plagued by it. What we really discuss is a methodology for bringing about and end to that state: bringing novelty to our lives, and our world. Our flames, much like Deoch himself, seek and desire novelty. What is worse than simply existing, with no art, no love, no wisdom, no compassion, fortune, or courage? Could it not be said that in the state we are dead, or perhaps, close to zombies? In each of us - that spark - that flame, once represented something entirely new, something that had never been seen before. That spark represents raw, unshaped potential. The most powerful force known. It can change our world, and as we have seen... it can also fizzle out and do nothing. But our spark, that potential - that never goes away. We, in communion with Deoch, have brought it into being. Even if we don't decide to use it - it is still that communion, between the flame and our daily lives, that allows us to express ourselves in any realm - artistic or otherwise - or philosophically, as I am doing now. I will say to anyone who listens. We need you. Your world needs you. The Octave needs you. We were not made to make little progress. We are not mundanes. We were not infused with this holy flame to go unnoticed! We were not given this gift to stand in lines, slowly fading. Of course: saying something turns out to be the hardest thing any of us can do. And it may in fact be the fase, that you've nothing to say. After all, as we disucssed, no whip can make someone speak from their heart, from their flame. That being said, We can surely agree that you can and should allow others to fill that void. As I said before. The act of disengagement from politics is as loud an act as engaging. The act of allowing others to express their spark, to me, freely - even perhaps supporting and welcoming them - that is an absolute minimum to be an Aisling. I ask all of you to attempt to return to this great work to make our world bright again. To make Canaan's sacrifice meaningful. To continue to carry on the Great Work which Deoch has started in each of us as that light brightened our eyes. Refuse that which dulls it. Return to the well, return to the flame, to again live and breathe as your soul and highest art demands. Find renewal in the flame. Find redemption. Find hope. Find splendor, and wonderment. The world that we find ourselves in represents so very little, and makes so much little sense, when it is stripped of its majesty and its art. I suggest trying it just once, or even twice. Perhaps you will fall in love with it, as I did, and it will be as natural to you as putting on a cloak. The alternative, is to simply admit to ourselves that standing in lines quietly is the highest art we may achieve, and frankly, people... I'm not ready to admit that. Marutu: As it sounds like defeat that is admitted. Kedian: *nod* As we live, let us choose to breathe. Now, at last, we reach the end. I would love for you to tell me about your spark, or ask me questions. Is this a moment in which you might find inspiration? Have you been waiting to be heard? We wait, as we all do, for the Octave to complete. *falls silent* Merisa: *hesitantly speaks* This may sound so, so silly... But I find inspiration in the little, little things. Even as I stand in line to wait for Mass to begin... a conversation, a greeting... I get inspired when I manage to start a dialogue. How though, do we stop feeling like we may be imposing on others? I sometimes worry my own enthusiasm becomes a burden onto others. Kedian: I want to respond briefly about inspiration. Find it everywhere, grab it where ever it is, and hold onto it. Only idiots suggest that there are particular or "correct" ways to seek and find it. Each Aisling has a different method for seeing the flame. Now as to enthusiasm. It is true that not everyone is receptive to our efforts, and of course, our own receptivity to it will surge and dim, as a candle or hearth would. The best way to ensure reception is, simply, to ask, or to create situations where the decision to participate is the basis of the act itself. We sometimes overshare, we are too overenthusiastic. We may grab someone and want to shake them and tell them about how great this is. Merisa: *nods sheepishly* Marutu: The stubborn sometimes don't know they appreciate your enthusiasm until it has engrossed them. Kedian: ... and there is this, yes. Which is why I suggest creating a floor of passive acceptance, first. Projection is not for the faint of heart or those who are not adept in its arts. Merisa: *nods and listens quietly* Kedian: ... Any other questions before I ask for tardies? I remain at your service. I daresay my ability to answer questions will outstrip and crush anyone's ability to ask them. *laughs* Marutu: Hmm, seems that Atavism age complex isn't gone from you. Kedian: No, actually, just patience. And as you mentioned. Stubbornness. *laughs*